Tuesday, August 26, 2008

On NOT Failing, Yet Being Too Short...


Yes, I have a part time job now. A job which I started TODAY! I am now the newest member of Team Coatroom at the Museum of Contemporary Art. Multiple benefits include climbing the museum ladder, plus free admittance to ANY MUSEUM IN THE WORLD!

But yes, today was pretty much me dealing with HR and receiving a lovely info packet so full I can give you both a tour of the museum AND tell you everything about the koi fish. Plus they threw me into the coatroom for the first time. It wasn't bad...

until I had to get a backpack from the top shelf....

and then stuff fell out because I was too short to prevent it.

But I'm apparently adorable enough for people to just laugh about it. Such is my life.

Also, I had to deny my first tip today. So much pain in one little action.

Now for something that might include health insurance...

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